How To Innovate: Pitfalls and Process workshop

Learn about the world-class innovation process that you can use to identify growth opportunities and develop validated ideas to launch and scale
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Innovation Workshop

Chris Green, Head of Strategy & Innovation will share his global innovation experience highlighting global best practice and the pitfalls most organisations fall into. The session will help leaders of major brands and developing businesses to understand how to embed innovation into their organisations and start to deliver predictable revenue growth.

Who will get most out of the session:
  • Executives looking to grow and diversify their products and services
  • Innovation, Product and CX leaders and managers
  • Businesses trying to reverse decline and find their next big market opportunity
  • Organisations who are losing market share to competition
Contact us now to register your interest or invite him to speak in your organisation.
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A Purple Shirt CX, UX and Innovation consultancy workshop

How To Innovate: Pitfalls and Process workshop

The workshop is free, organisations can register their interest below and Chris will get back to you.
If you want to learn more you can also get in touch with or connect with him on LinkedIn.
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The workshop will help you answer these innovation questions:

How do we grow and fill a revenue gap?

How do we attract new and retain existing customers?

How do we generate innovative ideas that deliver more customer value?

How do we avoid being disrupted by ambitious, agile competitors?

How do we create a new line of business that delivers revenue growth?

How do we keep up with the pace of change?

How do we build a culture of innovation?

Chris Green from Purple Shirt a CX, UX and Innovation consultancy speaking at an event in New Zealand

The Speaker

Chris Green - Head of Strategy & Innovation

Chris is an experienced corporate leader and consultant with an exceptionally robust strategy background that spans London, Australia and New Zealand. He's held numerous senior leadership roles driving strategy, innovation, marketing and customer experience. In the last 10 years he focused on innovation as a discipline and was trained by Harvard University's Professor Clayton Christensen. He led one of Australia's leading innovation consultancies before returning to New Zealand in 2022 to join Purple Shirt and start helping organisations run innovation projects and build innovation capability.

In his spare time, Chris is usually near water, playing around with foiling technology as he sails, kitesurfs and surfs.

What Is Innovation?

Innovation is about finding new, creative ways of creating and capturing value. Innovation isn’t just about updating or creating a new product or service, it can extend to new ways of operating the business, new channels to market, new business models – the list is endless.

Innovation should be thought of as a business function. It requires a process that defines how work gets done – it’s no different from a sales, recruitment, or project management process. It is a process that can be learned, developed and embedded into the core DNA of the organisation.

The critical question most businesses should be asking themselves when it comes to innovation is not whether they should be innovating but where they should be applying their innovation focus to ensure they’re making progress on their core strategic objectives.

Why Innovation

The pace of change around the world continues to accelerate and the recent global pandemic has reinforced this across so many aspects of business and society. If businesses aren’t adapting to this change, they’re probably becoming increasingly irrelevant. Innovation isn’t a nice to have or an ambiguous strategic goal; it is the difference between growth and extinction.

The only way for New Zealand organisations to stay relevant to compete, and grow is to leverage their “kiwi ingenuity” and embrace best practice, pragmatic innovation methods that help them:

How Can I Introduce Innovation To My Organisation

Best practice innovation is a process that can be learned and mastered, like any other business process. But despite being a relatively new discipline, for some, innovation has already earned a reputation of being ‘fluffy’ or theoretical without a clear return on investment.

This is why Purple Shirt's mantra is 'practical innovation'. Our toolkit is packed full of useful resources and simple to replicate processes that have been proven to deliver tangible business results.

Our tailored approach is grounded in practical, implementable steps. Whether you need someone to unlock innovation opportunities on your behalf, or you want to embed lasting organisational capability, Purple Shirt will build a trusted partnership with you throughout the innovation journey, from customer insight to design and delivery.
 Purple Shirt's best practice innovation process to deliver organisational growth
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